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    FAN MEETING 結果共16筆

  • 《未完待續》雙男神要來了!Junior甜蜜喊話台粉:會點名哦

    這是一篇關於泰國BL劇《未完待續(To be continued)》的新聞報導。報導中介紹了該劇由兩位高顏值演員Junior和Fluke主演,是泰國三台CH3的首部自製BL劇,年初一推出後在全亞洲獲得好評。文章簡述了劇情大綱,講述兩個高中時期就互有情愫的朋友,在十年後重逢並經歷誤會、理解,最終修成正果的故事。 報導還提到,Junior和Fluke在泰國的見面會門票十分搶手,即將來台舉辦的「TO BE CONTINUED SERIES JUNIOR & FLUKE 1st FAN MEETING IN TAIWAN」是他們的第一場海外見面會。兩位主演透過粉絲專頁與台灣粉絲互動,表達了對見面會的期待之情。他們還談到對台灣的印象,表示想去阿里山玩、到臺北魚市吃海鮮、喝奶茶,也歡迎粉絲推薦景點,讓他們可以隨性遊玩。 最後,報導指出Junior和Fluke正在積極排練見面會的歌舞表演和驚喜環節,也期待《未完待續》的續集能讓大家看到更多主角重逢後的幸福生活。文末附上了購票資訊的相關連結。
    2024/04/23 19:42
  • Mackenyu Arata announces first overseas fan meet in Taipei

    Japanese actor Mackenyu Arata is set to hold his first-ever overseas fan meeting in Taipei on Feb. 24, 2024, making him the first Japanese artist to host such an event in Taiwan. Known for his role as "Roronoa Zoro" in the live-action TV adaptation of "ONE PIECE" on Netflix, Mackenyu has gained a global following and has attended comic expos in eight countries. To show his appreciation for his Taiwanese fans, he plans to offer signed posters, group photos, a fan farewell, and an official card to those who purchase tickets for the fan meeting. Tickets for the "2024 Mackenyu Fan Meeting ASIA TOUR EAST BLUE in Taipei" will be available for purchase on Feb. 3, with prices ranging from NT$2,500 (Section D) to NT$4,900 (Section A). Section A ticket holders will also have the opportunity to purchase a limited 150-set autograph session for an additional NT$2,000.
    2024/01/25 14:19
  • 索隆要來了!新田真劍佑2月首辦台北見面會 祭韓星規格寵粉福利

    那個男人真的要來了!成功進軍國際市場的日本男星新田真劍佑,將獻出珍貴的海外個人見面會初體驗,他確定要在2月24日星期六晚間於台北國際會議中心舉辦「2024 Mackenyu Fan Meeting ASIA TOUR EAST BLUE in Taipei」見面會,除了期待與台灣粉絲以及最喜歡的珍珠奶茶見面,福利也是相當豐富,同時他也是2024年首位來台舉辦見面會的日本藝人。
    2024/01/25 12:19
  • Malaysian singer stabbed to death by obsessed fan

    Malaysian singer Hsu Chia-ling, 26, was tragically killed on December 18, in an incident involving an obsessed fan. The fan, a 44-year-old man who had been pursuing Hsu for two years, had arranged a lunch date with her at a restaurant. After the meal, an altercation occurred in the alley behind the restaurant, resulting in Hsu being fatally wounded with eight knife stabs, including one that pierced her heart. Hsu, who had agreed to marry her boyfriend Liu Yu-yang, had confirmed the lunch meeting with the fan. Despite her aversion to the meeting, she intended to keep it brief before a scheduled eyebrow grooming appointment. Following the attack, the assailant carried Hsu’s body to his car and drove home. The police found Hsu’s lifeless body in the front passenger seat of the suspect’s car and arrested him at his residence. Hsu’s family, devastated by the loss, is seeking full legal prosecution of the murderer. Liu, heartbroken by the incident, has been mourning deeply since learning of Hsu’s death.
    2023/12/20 17:22
  • ’Orange Devils’ return to Taiwan for premiere concert

    The renowned Kyoto Tachibana Senior High School Band, also known as the "Orange Devils," has returned to Taiwan in December after gaining a fervent fan base. Known for their vibrant and smile-filled performance style, the band made a memorable mark during last year’s National Day celebrations. The ’Orange Devils’ have planned flash mob events and are scheduled to hold their premiere concert at the National Concert Hall in Taipei. The band expressed their happiness about visiting Taiwan and their anticipation of meeting with the Taiwanese audience again. The visit aims to fortify cultural exchanges between Taiwan and Japan, as expressed by Huang Chun-chieh, the General Manager of a Taiwanese food brand. To enhance the band members’ experience in Taiwan, arrangements have been made for them to tour distinctive local scenic spots. Upon their arrival on the evening of December 9, the Kyoto Tachibana High School Band immediately showcased their signature enthusiasm and energy. The visit is expected to entertain their Taiwanese fans and continue strengthening the cultural bridges between the two nations.
    2023/12/12 13:09
  • 泰國最強「竹馬CP」來了!Force、Book曝「超狂緣分」

    泰國最強「竹馬CP」Force與Book相識16年,去(2022)年攜手參演BL戲劇,真實可愛的自然互動,促成兩人多次合作。在台灣擁有大票粉絲粉的他們,即將在10月15日來台舉辦見面會,「Force Book 1st Fan Meeting In Taipei」,祭出近距離擊掌、合影留念等福利,感謝粉絲一路以來的支持。
    2023/09/06 18:51
  • 《與愛同居》Gulf要來台了! 泰國男神滿滿「寵粉福利」曝光

    泰國男神Gulf(卡納吾翟彼帕塔納朋)曾在2019年以BL劇《與愛同居》紅遍全亞洲,隔年挾帶高人氣,原定3月來台舉辦粉絲見面會,未料全球爆發新冠肺炎,活動歷經三度延宕,最終只能忍痛取消。隨著疫情趨緩,Gulf也展開FAN MEETING巡迴之旅,對台灣行期待已久的他,早在3月起頻頻「劇透」即將造訪寶島,令粉絲期待不已!今(10)日他驚喜宣布,將於6月11日舉辦「Gulf Kanawut 1st Fan Meeting In Taipei」,除了首度與台灣粉絲相見歡,更有近距離擊掌、合照留念等福利。
    2023/05/10 20:03
  • 泰BL劇雙男神將來台!祭出「愛的親密接觸」寵粉無極限

    泰國男星Earth、Mix於2020年合作BL劇《千星傳說》,當時2人已有6年的好交情,十足的默契更讓戲劇播出後,在全亞洲掀起新一波BL風潮,並在泰國勇奪多項獎項肯定。在粉絲敲碗下合拍《邱比特的遺願》、今年2月更三度搭檔演出《月光海南雞》,寫實的劇情與實力派演技,也讓Earth、Mix人氣更上一層樓。今(21)日他們宣布,將於5月13日舉辦《EARTH & MIX 1st Fan Meeting In Taipei》,和台灣粉絲們不見不散!
    2023/03/21 18:12
  • 泰BL劇「床戲尺度超大」!4鮮肉宣布來台 秀中文:不見不散

    泰國BL劇《愛在空氣中》(Love in The Air)去年一播出,轟動全亞洲「腐圈」,四位平均不到23歲的鮮肉主角BOSS、Noeul、Fort、Peat人氣跟著水漲船高,在各地粉絲及提簇擁敲碗下,日前終於展開他們全亞洲FAN MEETING之旅,繼二月中在越南連辦3場見面會,造成萬人空巷的暴動局面後,宣布將於4月8日於信義劇場Legacy MAX(台北新光三越A11 6F)舉辦登台首場見面會。
    2023/03/08 14:35
  • AKB48 Team TP開唱慶4週年 成員爆虛脫癱軟

    AKB48 Team TP慶祝成軍4周年,昨(18)日起一連2天在Zepp New Taipei分別舉辦Fan Meeting以及演唱會,在今(19)日演唱會上,她們開場時連續唱跳2首舞曲,成員們直言累壞了,新任隊長劉語晴更笑說:「大家是不是很擔心我們的身體狀況?」藤井麻由更爆料跳完〈無根無據RUMOR〉後,林易沄直接癱軟在後頭。  
    2023/02/19 20:59
  • 周興哲不忍了!自揭被當「小丑」內幕 嘆:我是陽光的人

    周興哲甫結束長達10天的港澳大壯遊返抵台灣,他此趟行程滿檔,穿梭在香港、澳門間不停忙,還大開紅盤,2月25日首攻紅館瞬間秒殺,宣布2月26日加場亦秒殺,成績可喜可賀!他此行還意外同場兒時偶像草蜢、受邀出席「Loewe x 霍爾的移動城堡」時尚活動,更重要的是,5日他假九龍灣國際展貿中心Rotunda 2舉行「Eric Chou The Moment Fan Meeting」粉絲見面會,與上千名小興星(粉絲名)見面,期間不但大玩遊戲,近距離接觸大派福利外,還演唱多首歌曲,令見面會頓時變了迷你演唱會。
    2023/02/07 19:12
  • 丁海寅向台灣粉絲說中文 落漆也可愛

    韓星丁海寅即將在3月4日於台灣舉行首次見面會<2018 JUNG HAE IN “SMILE” FAN MEETING IN TAIPEI>,連韓國都還未辦過,就在台灣獻出他的第一次,丁海寅表示非常興奮,很緊張,正用心地準備見面會的內容,希望帶給台灣粉絲難忘的回憶。
    2018/01/16 15:13
  • 指原莉乃好想上台灣綜藝 柏木由紀開心嗑小籠包

    日本AKB48 Group總選舉第一名的HKT48的指原莉乃,偕同AKB48重量級成員柏木由紀、峯岸南來台舉辦《AKB48 Group Fan Meeting in TAIWAN》見面握手會,會前特地與台灣媒體見面,並表演〈#就是喜歡你〉。3人難得來台特地到處走走,還體驗了腳底按摩,讓指原莉乃大喊:「Oh My God!太棒了~」她們對按摩師父的手勁恰到好處覺得驚奇,稱讚「剛剛好」。
    2017/11/12 06:49
  • 曹政奭見面會賣關子 只肯透露這兩點

    在韓劇《Oh!我的鬼神君》裡被朴寶英甜滋滋喊:「Chef!Chef!」,聽得觀眾耳朵都要融化的男主角曹政奭,即將舉辦《1st Fan meeting The Room in Taipei》,第一次與台灣粉絲近距離接觸。對於粉絲好奇見面會的內容和準備進度,曹政奭笑說:「一切都是祕密。」要給粉絲們高度期待感所以不能說太多,6/11台大體育館不見不散。
    2017/06/01 15:06
  • VIXX隊長N3月報到 提前共度白色情人節

    出道5週年,韓國大勢男團「VIXX」隊長「N」即將自己訪台舉辦見面會!去年7月VIXX才辦過台北演唱會,隊長N決定要在3月5日在台北ATT SHOW BOX舉辦「VIXX Leader N's First Sweet Fan Meeting "N with You" in Taipei」,提前與台灣星光(VIXX歌迷暱稱)共度白色情人節。
    2017/01/30 14:33
  • 天使潤娥中文超輪轉 女粉絲當面求婚

    韓國女團成員潤娥周五(13日)與3,500名粉絲在台大體育館共度「The K2 Fan Meeting with Yoona」,身著名牌FENDI Resort 2017早春系列洋裝出場,潤娥唱著周杰倫的〈簡單愛〉,中文咬字清晰,甜滋滋的歌聲甜入在場粉絲的心裡,伴隨全場粉紅手燈與氣球的應援,讓潤娥大讚:「好熱情!」
    2017/01/14 14:00
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